Saturday, May 31, 2014

PTSD, flashbacks, and Insomnia
           For a lot of people, it's a challenge to get up in the morning. But for those who struggle with PTSD, surviving the day can seem almost impossible. With flashbacks occurring at the worst times like during finals at a friends party, it's easy to get discouraged. I wish I could say that it'll go away soon, but I can't. And I won't lie, if you struggle with PTSD it is going to be tough some days. The one thing I can say though is that it'll get better. Slowly but surely it will. Also know that it's alright to feel sad, scared, frustrated or even mad about the situation you are in. I used to feel crazy because of it. But if you can find people who really care about you, it makes the whole process easier. It doesn't have to be a friend or parent, you can find a counselor who you trust or a coach of yours as well. It also helps to think more about the future than the past. I found that the more I focused on the past, the more depressed and hopeless I felt. But when I tried to imagine what I wanted my life to look like 10 years from then, I improved my quality of life.

          I also have met many who since their trauma, have developed insomnia including myself. Insomnia sucks. Being plagued by nightmares every day takes a huge toll on you! The best thing to do about nightmares is to teach yourself how to change them. So, I'll teach you! Dreams are meant to prepare us for our everyday lives but that doesn't mean that they can't be modified. Before you go to sleep, mentally create a alternative ending to what is distressing you. For me, it was the one who abused me. So before I fell asleep I imagined calling 911 and yelling "you can't hurt me anymore!" or that my best friend appeared and helped me. By doing this every night, you train yourself so much that you can stop having those nightmares because your subconscious doesn't need to worry about being prepared for it anymore. Another way to cure insomnia is to take melatonin at night. Melatonin is naturally created in your body so my taking small amounts of melatonin, it'll make it easier for you to fall asleep. Just remember that like with everything, it'll take time.

                                                                                                                        -Love, T.

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